Thursday, August 28, 2014

Children For Sale! HumanTrafficking in USA Among Our Kids!

Read between the lines. Clinton signed in 1997 the 'Family Safety Act' which gave incentive for DCF to remove children from loving homes where there is NO ABUSE! Power and greed are the motivators for DCF to STEAL children based on lies and deception.  Corruption is a reality that exists within a system that was meant to protect children from ABUSE!  Yet DCF are the very ones inflicting trauma and abuse to our children and destroying families across America!  

Adoption Subsidies Are Unchecked for Fraud

By David J. Lansner and Carolyn A. Kubitschek – July 9, 2012

In 2010, the federal government paid $2,501,000,000 to states under the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act. Hundreds of millions of dollars of that money may have been fraudulently collected by adoptive parents who no longer support their adoptive children, made possible because the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has prohibited the states from even investigating the fraud. States have lost an equal amount of money.

The U.S. government has long provided funds to states to operate foster-care programs, initially under the federal Aid to Families with Dependent Children program (AFDC). Like Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), the foster care program provided a monthly stipend for each eligible foster child. Like ADC, the money was paid to the adult caretaker (the foster parent) for the support and benefit of the child. As soon as a child left foster care, the monthly payment ended, whether the child left foster care to be reunited with his or her parents or to be adopted by new parents.

An unintended consequence of the program was that it discouraged adoptions by foster parents. As soon as a foster parent adopted his or her foster child, the foster-care maintenance payments stopped. Many foster parents were of modest financial means and could not afford to support children without the foster-care maintenance payments. In addition, many foster children required a large amount of support because of their special health, behavioral, or other problems. Accordingly, many children who had no hope of ever returning to their parents simply languished in foster care because the foster parents who loved them could not afford to adopt them and lose the foster-care payments, and no other adults were willing to adopt children who had so many problems.

In 1980, Congress enacted the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act, which, among its many provisions, created a statutory scheme to encourage people to adopt children with special needs who were in the states’ foster-care program by providing subsidies for the adoptive parents. The explicit purpose of the adoption assistance program, as articulated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Children’s Bureau, is to “remove barriers and contribute to an increase in adoption of children with special needs.” The statute implements its purpose by providing matching federal funds to state programs. The matching federal funds are contingent on a state “plan approved by the Secretary” of HHS, with the requirement that the state “administer, or supervise the administration of, the program.” 42 U.S.C. § 671(a)(2); see Administration for Children’s Families (ACF), HHS, Programs and Funding: Title IV-E Adoption Assistance.

The statute authorizes adoptive parents in participating states to receive reimbursement for one-time, nonrecurring adoption expenses and for monthly maintenance payments for the ongoing expenses associated with caring for the children. The amount of the monthly adoption subsidy payment for a child is determined by an agreement between the prospective adoptive parent and the state. It states that the amount may be readjusted periodically, “with the concurrence of the adopting parents,” but may never be greater than the amount that the child would receive if he or she had remained in foster care. 42 U.S.C. § 673(a)(3).

The agreement between the adopting parent and the state is a “written agreement, binding on the parties to the agreement” that “specifies the nature and amount of any payments, services, and assistance to be provided under such agreement.” 42 U.S.C. § 675(3)(A).

A 2008 study conducted by the National Resource Center for Family-Centered Practice and Permanency Planning found that maintenance payments are around $400 to $900 per month. The average base amount nationwide is about $350 a month. The federal government generally reimburses the states for 50 percent of the payments, although in some cases it pays a larger percentage. In 2010, according to tables released by the Administration for Children and Families, the federal government paid $2,501,000,000 to states for adoption assistance, including one-time reimbursements and monthly maintenance payments. Thus, states probably paid about $2 billion of their own money in adoption assistance payments.

Federal statutes 42 U.S.C. § 673 and 42 U.S.C. § 675 mandate that states terminate adoption assistance payments when any one of three events takes place:

  • The child ages out of the program by turning 18, if healthy—although states may, at their option, extend the program adoption assistance program to age 19, 20, or 21—or 21 if handicapped;
  • The state determines that the adoptive parent is no longer legally responsible for supporting the child; or
  • The state determines that the adoptive parent is no longer actually supporting the child.


Adoptive Parents’ Failure to Support Their Children 
While there may be many reasons that a parent is no longer supporting his or her adopted child under the age of 18, the most common scenario is that the child has stopped living with the parent. That may be the result of a divorce in which the state makes adoption assistance payments to one parent while the other parent has custody. More common are the cases where the child has left the home. Many children adopted from foster care run away from their adoptive parents or are forced out by them. The children may be put with another adult, return to their birth parents, return to foster care, live on the streets, or be incarcerated.

Because ACF guidance to states allows little room for states to monitor adoption assistance recipients’ eligibility, there is no data on the total number of children who prematurely leave the homes of parents receiving adoption assistance. Available data suggest that the number of adopted children who do not live with their adoptive parents until they turn 18 is significant. Nina Williams-Mbengue, program director at the National Conference of State Legislatures, found that 10–25 percent of pre-adoptive placements disrupt before adoption proceedings are finalized, and 10–15 percent of adoptions dissolve after they are finalized. Some practitioners believe that the numbers are much higher. That substantial fraction should not be surprising; children adopted out of foster care tend to have serious emotional and physical scars from their “frequent displacement, exposure to drugs and alcohol from birth and at other points in their lives and other forms of abuse.” Nina Williams-Mbengue, Moving Children Out of Foster Care, The Legislative Role in Finding Permanent Homes for Children [PDF].

Some adoptive parents find raising such children too difficult and voluntarily surrender those children. In other cases, the children run away, either because they want to live without restrictions or because of abuse in the adoptive home. Indeed, some states, such as Wisconsin, even define categories of “hard to place children” who are eligible for adoption assistance, in part, by their tendency to run away. A child who is moderately difficult to care for may “run away four to seven times a year and three or four days at a time,” while a child who requires intensive care may “run away for long periods of time (eight or more times a year and five or more days at a time.)” North American Counsel on Adoptable Children,Wisconsin State Subsidy Profile, Question 4.

Diane Riggs of the North American Council on Adoptable Children has pointed out that pressure on states to increase adoption rates may in fact be leading to an increase in the number of adoptions that fail as states encourage adoptions by foster parents who are not actually capable of meeting the children’s needs. Diane Riggs, Plan, Prepare, and Support to Prevent Disruptions. In the 1990s, disruption rates after adoption “for children with physical, mental health and developmental problems, range from approximately 10% to approximately 25%.” (Sheena Macrae, Ed., Disruption & Dissolution: Unspoken Losses [PDF]. For an extensive discussion on subsidized adoption failures, see Dawn J. Post and Brian Zimmerman, “The Revolving Doors of Family Court: Confronting Broken Adoptions.” 40 Cap. U. L. Rev. 437 (2012).

Monday, August 11, 2014

MassOutrage | Why Can the State Kidnap Your Child?

ɱᎯȘȘ ΘƲτરᎯĢε!!!! Welcome to my world! The founders never DREAMED that a state agency would one day come into homes and kidnap children. I never imagined such CORRUPTION existed! WHY CAN'T ANYONE STOP DCF? DCF committed perjury in such a heinous way about ME in order to remove my grandson from my home so they could profit $$$ by placing him in a shelter and continue fueling their egos by abusing their power!  I'm still in total disbelief!!!! Parents are powerless over a 'system' that was put in place to PROTECT CHILDREN from abusive homes, yet they are the ones inflicting TRAUMA AND ABUSE by STEALING children who are in stable, loving homes! #JusticeForBraeden 

This article may pertain to Massachusetts but is happening across the United States...  World!  I have talked to parents who have had their children being taken wrongfully away in England and Switzerland.  I moved to Florida to find some peace after retiring from Verizon Communications and was the only sole provider to raise both my children without the help of anyone else.   


MassOutrage | Why Can the State Kidnap Your Child?

If everyone knows that the Massachusetts Dept. of Children and Families (DCF)is out of control, why can't they be reined in and told to behave? This is one of the dirtiest and least known secrets of how the DCF is able to destroy so many families, and the source of their power: DCF is in control, no…

Why Can the State Kidnap Your Child?

DCF is completely in control. Even judges can't rein them in.

The founders never DREAMED that a state agency would one day come into homes and kidnap children.

I. Why Can't Anyone Stop DCF?

If everyone knows that the Massachusetts Dept. of Children and Families (DCF)is out of control, why can't they be reined in and told to behave? This is one of the dirtiest and least known secrets of how the DCF is able to destroy so many families, and the source of their power: DCF is in control, not the courts. It must be nice to answer to no one, knowing you cannot be punished, cannot be sued, cannot be accountable for the trauma you perpetrate, both on purpose and by mistake.

Ever since the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decided two cases back in 1995, Care and Protection of Isaac, 419 Mass. 602 (1995) and Care and Protection of Jeremy, 419 Mass. 616 (1995), the DCF has had almost complete control of all children in its custody. A judge will only interfere if DCF is committing what is ridiculously called an "abuse of discretion."

When does DCF abuse its "discretion" enough for a court to step in and stop them?

Generally, never. The Courts have become rubber stamps for DCF. Death, torture, broken bones, bruises, wounds, medical neglect, and other 'minor' problems caused by DCF do not seem to bother courts very much. However, if the parents pray, spank, or yell at the child, then they will authorize the DCF to take your children and give them to a family who cannot be told not to abuse them. Foster parents and DCF approved programs and institutions can usually abuse children at will, often with no consequences whatsoever. As long as it's their guy doing the abusing, nothing will happen.

Not only will a court refuse to stop DCF caretakers from abusing children, it will usually not mind if DCF is falsifying records, committing perjury, taking children on false pretenses, illegally stretching out a case for years, or demanding that a wife commit perjury by getting a false restraining order against the husband.

In other words, DCF is accountable to no one, and no one can stop them, unless the state legislature or a higher court steps in and changes the state of the law.

Well, can't I sue them?

As with all things in the strange world of "child protection", the DCF has been given a gift of protection from lawsuits, called "qualified immunity". That is a fancy name for being lawsuit-proof in most cases. Right now, until someone succeeds in getting a court to change the situation, DCF agents are immune from suits for all "discretionary" decisions. Our federal civil rights laws state that ANY PERSON who deprives someone of a right is liable. Our courts say, "horsefeathers", those nice DCF abusers are above the law, as are GALs, DCF lawyers, court investigators, and the judge, too. In other words, anyone from the government can abuse your kids and get away with it.

"Discretion" is when they decide to do just about anything they want: to kidnap your child from you, to keep your child, to adopt your child out, to hurt your child, to emotionally manipulate your child, to stop your child from hugging you at visits, or just about anything else. Only when they violate a "clearly established" constitutional right can they be sued. That is almost never.

It is ridiculous, but the courts have continually protected foolish and biased social workers from any liability for wrongdoing. We are going to try to change this.

What are "clearly established" constitutional rights?

Technically, they are rights specifically listed as being protected in the Massachusetts or federal constitutions, such as the right to free speech, or the right to bear arms.

Parental rights are not specifically listed in the either the state or federal constitutions. No one 200 years ago ever dreamed that government would interfere in families, so they didn't protect parental rights in the constitutions, state or federal. It would have been unthinkable to have a state agency to break into homes and kidnap children.

However, parental rights are now called "reserved powers", which means that any power not specifically given to the government by the constitution belongs to the people under the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution (Bet you never heard that one!) All powers, including parental rights, which are not mentioned in the Constitution, are kept by the people under the 9th and 10th Amendments.

Because most courts now operate more by a political agenda than by the law, they will often only protect 'enumerated', or listed rights, except for ones THEY would like to add, like gay marriage. However, the constitution is not supposed to work that way. All rights are yours by natural divine law. The constitution does not create rights, but only binds down the government from interfering with them. The Massachusetts and Federal constitutions list several rights as examples in the Bill of Rights, and then basically say that if we forgot any others, they are protected, too.

However, most judges now believe that the government creates and grants rights, rather than preserves existing rights that are bestowed by our creator, and which cannot be taken away. Thus, they will ignore your parental rights if it suits them.

Judges often merely explain rights away if they do not favor them politically, as they have done with gun rights, for example. They treat the rights protected under the constitution like an accordion - they expand certain ones that are in political favor, and contract others that are not politically correct.

Do parents have ANY rights?

Not really. The problem is that our founders never dreamed that anyone would ever think of intruding into families, so they did not write specific protections into our state and federal constitutions. They assumed family government would exist peacefully alongside state and church government. Now, when the rights of parents to raise children are being challenged, there is little protection available from courts against the savage predators in the DSS.

A parents' right to direct the upbringing of their children was never questioned until recently. Now, the state sees itself as the parent, and they let you have temporary custody of your own child, unless and until you do something the state doesn't like - then the child goes back to its true parent - the state. There is even a Latin lawyer term for this: Parens Patriae, which means, "father of his country". The Real Life Dictionary of the Law defines parens patriae as: "the doctrine that the government is the ultimate guardian of all people under a disability, especially children, whose care is only entrusted to their parents."

Are you getting this? The state now owns your children, and entrusts you with them, until you do something politically incorrect, like home school them, spank them, pray with them, or otherwise try to keep them out of the hands of those who want to make them into obedient world citizens.

You have told me all that I CAN'T do. Is there anything I CAN do?

Yes, but there are no easy answers. Read on.


(Adapted from material written by Attorney Mike Humiston at

A grizzly is a dangerous creature. They are arbitrary, vicious, and they are not afraid of you. Sound familiar? If you encounter one in the wild, you must be very careful...

Should I throw sticks and rocks and scream at him?

Only if you want him to kill you.

Then I should turn and run, real fast...

Only if you can run very, very fast.

Then what should I do?

Stand firm, don't show any signs of fear or anger, then carefully, quietly, back away.

The grizzly is the child protection system...

But I thought somebody else's government was the Great Bear...

Indeed. Always be polite when dealing with caseworkers and the police. Always, always!


Because the police carry guns, for crying out loud! And because you are dealing with terrorists, and they have your children. If you argue with the caseworker or the judge, you will only antagonize them. Nothing you say is going to change their minds or make them quit twisting your words. So don't try. Don't give them words to twist. There's no use throwing sticks and stones at the grizzly.

What about running away?

If you can do so legally, then do so. If the state has legal custody of your children, it is illegal to take them and leave. If you're going to break the law, then as with the grizzly, you better be able to run pretty far pretty fast. There are people sitting in prison at this moment for "kidnapping" their own children.

Are you telling me to give up?

Absolutely not! We're telling you to be smart. Know your rights and control the flow of information, but do it with a smile on your face and with total graciousness. "I'm sure this service plan is okay, but I'd just like to have my attorney go over it before I sign it. I believe you when you tell me they're just routine, so I'm sure you don't mind if he just has a look before I sign." Remember, the guy who tells you don't need an attorney is the guy who has something to hide. Just because their forms are "routine" does not make them right.


Unfortunately, you cannot do as much as you would really like to do to fight DCF yourself, except to AVOID doing the wrong things. You can learn about many of those wrong things, and about DCF dirty tricks, on this MassOutrage web site, and the linked sites. However, even if you learned it all, that is only the beginning.

Knowing the things you can learn here, simply doesn't give you the whole scope of the process. Courts and lawyers have made it so complicated (probably to keep a lot of their buddies employed) that very few people even inside the system completely understand the process and all its legal requirements.

In sum, fighting DCF is so hard, so technical, and there are so many pitfalls, that you are better off to work with a good lawyer rather than try it yourself. There is just so much to fighting one of these cases, that it is about like doing brain surgery on yourself to try it alone.

So... .

Get a good lawyer.

The single biggest ingredient in fighting the DCF menace is to get a good lawyer. What is a good lawyer? Here is the list of qualities I would look for:

Hates the DCF;

Committed to parental rights over government power;

Knows the DCF law, regulations and policies;

Will stand up to DCF social workers and judges, not collaborate with them;

Is YOUR lawyer only, and is not being paid by the state;

Will work with, not against, your spouse's lawyer to get your kids back, if appropriate;

Respects you;

Respects the Constitution and other founding documents;

Does not think lawyers are God, and will work WITH you, not talk down to you;

You trust him and he trusts you. You are both going to take a blindfolded walk down the plank in the dark, so you better trust each other.

Work with your lawyer.

The most important thing you can do to get your children back, in addition to avoiding falling into any of the DCF dirty tricks, is work with your lawyer to help him or her get your kids back. How?

You can help review the DCF record, which is very tedious, to look for any evidence you can use against DCF. You can make a chronology, or a time line of all the major events so far, so that the lawyer can get a clear overview of your case. You can pay the poor guy, so he can endure the endless days and nights of attention to your case. You can be patient with the delays, knowing that it is not your lawyer, but DCF and the Court, who have caused them.

You can do everything he tells you in the way of counseling or drug testing or parenting classes, so that he can go back to DCF and report that you have been a good little boy or girl. You can clean up your act, if it isn't: Straighten up your house, your heart, and your life.

You can attend every visitation that your child's kidnappers allow, without fail, even though they will cancel the visits any time they feel like it for any selfish reason. (Irony - they often cancel to care for their own child). You can smile (though gritted teeth) at your child's captors, and work with them. Never, never show your anger, even though the social worker may deserve to fry in the lowest part of Hell.

Listen to your lawyer. Trust your lawyer. If you can't, get a new one. Even if you have a state appointed lawyer, due to lack of finances, fire him if he does not work for you. If he is laughing it up with DCF, fire him. Many lawyers who do this work actually like DCF because they get a lot of work from it. Me - I'd be very happy to be put out of the DCF business tomorrow, if they were abolished.


What about the Government School? Can they get my children there?

They sure can. In fact, it is the preferred method. No pesky parents. Only sympathetic statists who embrace big brother and believe that the government has the best interest of the child at heart, as opposed to the parents. Government school, you say? Is that a PUBLIC school? Yes, and it is financed by, supported by, and run by the same government who wants to steal your children.

If they have any suspicions about your home whatsoever, the DCF agents will come to your child's government school, all smiles, and take your children aside. They will use suggestive and coercive techniques, and get "disclosures" about what goes on in your home: things like spanking or other discipline, prayer in the home (that is now 'abuse'), yelling or arguments between parents (that is now 'domestic violence'). Since this is done alone, no one will be able to fight the DCF agent's lying version of the "abuse" that they will coerce out of the child.

If I can't trust the government school, who can I trust?

No one but your own private lawyer, as stated above. The government has a snitch network of so-called "Mandated Reporters" everywhere a child is likely to be. Nurses, doctors, school counselors, police, dentists, therapists, teachers, day care workers, and many others MUST report anything they think is suspicious, or risk a big fine.

They have manipulated these former helping professionals into becoming snoops for the "Central Party Committee". These people used to be able to help folks in trouble. Now, if you go to them, they will often turn you into the DCF. The authorities have beat them into submission, and most of them now have the attitude of: When in doubt, report.

At this point in our history, only your lawyer can keep your secrets, by law. Everyone else is a snitch. Tell them to no one else.

What should I do, then?

GET YOUR CHILDREN OUT of the government school, and do it now. That is the major pipeline through which the DCF steals children from families. If you are taking government aid of any sort, get rid of it if you can.

If you decide to compromise your family by keeping your children in danger there, then at least teach them that if some DCF agent comes to talk to them, that they demand to have their parents present before answering any questions.

Teach your children the sanctity of the family. The schools are teaching your children to rat on you. Teach your children the other side, the danger to which they expose your whole family by reporting you to the authorities. Teach your children that dozens of children have committed suicide while in foster care. Hundreds have died. Thousands have been tortured and abused.

Teach them that they have the right to remain silent, and if they choose not to remain silent, each and every word they say will be used against their mommy and daddy. Love them, love them, love them.

Teach your children this: "Kids, this is our family attorney, Mr. Smith. He is our family's only attorney. He is the only attorney that we talk to. If somebody else comes to you and says he is your own attorney (e.g. the DCF agent, or guardian ad litem) anything you say to him will be used against our family."

One of the best things you can do is buy and read Suzanne Shell's book, Profane Justice. It can be ordered for $25.00 by writing to: Sage Wisdom Press, P.O. Box 75863, Colorado Springs, CO 80970. Forewarned is forearmed.

What about real child abuse?

Real child abusers should go to prison. And the traditional due process protections of criminal law are more than enough to separate the true abusers from the falsely accused. Just because O.J. was acquitted of murder does not mean we should dispose of all due process. Likewise, just because some abusers will get away does not mean we should take away all children.

[Compiled from numerous sources]

Copyright © 2008-2014 Gregory Hession, JD. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to be specific legal advice, but general information to assist you. You should consult an attorney to advise you on your individual case.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

DCF Stealing Children



ARTICLE - 'The CPS steals children using the system paid for by citizens who believe it is being used to protect those in need.  That is a fraud; the system actually pumps money into the personal accounts of all those involved in the system, converting children into cash while destroying them and their families.  The number of children who emerge from the system, able to function normally, are near zero.  Some are never seen again.'

'The system used includes three stages.  The first phase is to shock and intimidate the parents into consenting to let their children be processed into the system.  The second phase is to force parents, terrified for their children, to begin a process of 'case management.'  That process is a template that is designed to push the parents into emotional meltdown and bankruptcy.  The third phase is to sever the parental rights entirely and sell the children.'

'In the wake of this trauma families are atomized, destroyed.  Parents and grandparents never again see the children who connect them to the future.  Children lose their past and the anchoring each of us needs to develop into a healthy human being.'

'Children are taken from loving homes to make a profit!! State employees who fail to take children out of homes are penalized; many of these leave the system which has been converted from a system originally intended to help families to one that profits those in control.'

'Manatee County, Fl has long made a business of STEALING CHILDREN!'  

Ironically, I came across this article months after a complete stranger showed up at my door on 2/18/14, four days after my grandson had finally been returned to us from when his father, Aaron, and Aaron's mother fled with Braeden on 12/6/13 after brutally beating my daughter so severely it gave her a concussion and post traumatic amnesia from the shock of being attacked from behind > Story >  See other blogs >  '911 Call - Seeking Justice'

A woman from DCF showed up on 2/18/14 so I could hand over my 2 year grandson, Braeden, with no explanation, no documents, not even a business card... Saying I would be put under arrest if I didn't hand him over willingly.  Braeden had just been returned to me by a CPS Sheriff, Troy Simon from Manatee County, Fl, 4 days prior, who had called before the DCF caseworker, Evelyn Harris, showed up at my home informing me that because Braeden was 'not safe' with me someone would be stopping by to pick him up and that I would, in fact, be 'arrested unless I handed him over willingly'.  I was stunned!  Where on earth was this coming from?  They had just handed Braeden over to me with their blessings after my grandson's father, Aaron, got arrested in an undercover child sex sting operation.  We had been praying for Braeden's safe return since Aaron and Aaron's mother had fled with him on 12/6/13 after brutally beating my daughter.  Our prayers had been answered... God exposed Aaron and Braeden had finally been returned to us after a very long 2 1/2 months worrying about the abuse he probably was being subjected to and the trauma he had been exposed to caused by two evil monsters.  How could DCF cause Braeden more trauma?  It was all so irrational.  To think I was so naive to believe that DCF is a system set in place to protect children from abuse... But instead DCF is the one inflicting abuse.  It is happening around the world.  He had already been ripped away from his mother, the only one who had always provided him with unconditional love.  Braeden was there when his father got arrested... Now that he is truly safe again I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  Now that Braeden was really safe, I'm being told otherwise?  It's all too crazy.  A system that originally intended on helping families... is joining forces with evil when they get a call from the same woman (Laura) who is a walking TIMEBOMB >> A 47 year old who can be filled with so much rage to be capable of inflicting serious injuries to another human and be able to manipulate her way out of having to pay the consequences for her criminal behavior is a very dangerous person.  Laura's son, Aaron, had always said he had been abused by his mother and would try to explain how 'crazy' she is constantly.  Her only mission is to cause havoc in people's lives in an attempt to destroy her 'prey' which seems to give her a sick sense of 'power'... The devil herself.  People are merely 'objects' that can be easily disposed of when she can no longer benefit and/or has accomplished her 'mission'.  A true sociopath.  Laura called with vicious lies to DCF, which I was totally unaware of at the time, in order to rip Braeden away from us a 2nd time.   Constant drama and turmoil is what these people thrive off of... DCF IS CORRUPT AND GO HAND IN HAND WITH HAVING THE SAME DISTURBING TRAITS OF A SOCIOPATH.  All it takes is a phone call from a malicious, manipulating, pathological liar who abused all her children to continue the cycle of abuse with DCF's help.  In the DCF disclosure papers it shows all of the delusional strategic plotting of the 'attempted kidnapping' that Laura initiated.  But to read that Laura was on 'standby' in Manatee County a few hours away from my home just waiting for Braeden to be ripped away again, only this time it would be from me, who only knows so well of what monster's like Laura are capable of doing once they are on a mission to feel in power over their 'target' who they need removed out of the way in order to get their claws into their chosen 'victim'... Braeden... She will stop at nothing.  How could DCF be such idiots?  How dare them portray themselves as a system that protects children when I have learned first hand what DCF is capable of after receiving a call from the evil that exists on this earth.  Two evils joining forces.  God help us all.  

WHOLE ARTICLE > 'Manatee County, Fl has long made a business of STEALING CHILDREN!'  Below: stages.