In 1997 President Bill Clinton signed the Adoption & Safe Families Act (ASFA). This act allowed child protective service agencies the power to terminate parental rights of children in foster care. It was meant to keep ABUSED children from lingering in the foster care system for years on end, and allowed the children to find forever families. It had a warm, fuzzy, feel good feeling to it. What it has actually created: Child Trafficking. It has given Child Protective Services cash incentives, known as bonus money, for each child they placed in their care and pays out more if (WHEN) successfully adopted out and removed UNETHICALLY. This has provided the incentive for social workers to NOT work with the families that they are supposed to serve, but to rather work against them in order to gain their children. Instead of placing these children with fit family members as they are required to do, they find any excuse to deny family members kinship placement, using excuses such as a speeding ticket. BUT since they will receive large sums for adopting the children to strangers, they EASILY OVERLOOK FELONY CONVICTIONS of adoptive parents in order to quickly get their money. Families are being destroyed, but most of all it is the children who are paying the ultimate price. They are denied their heritage and thrown into an artificial family, where they are often abused and neglected far worse than they ever were by their biological families. Too many are NEVER subjected to ANY abuse yet are stolen or 'kidnapped' from loving homes by DCF's CORRUPTION... In my case I can EXPOSE LIES AND DECEPTION. DCF committed perjury in order to remove my grandson from my care... LITERALLY. I was, and still am, in total disbelief. If they could get away with not having ANY evidence to their malicious assassination of my character, what else are they capable of? I knew my grandson was not an isolated case of being removed from a loving home. It opened my eyes up to a reality that slapped me in the face... POWER+GREED=CORRUPTION [EVIL] >>>> ****PLEASE**** contact your state reps and senators and tell them you are against federal cash incentives being made to social service agencies in order to adopt out children. Child trafficking in America NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!!
Departmental income has become more important to CPS and their offices than actually finding abused children and protecting them. Each and every time they remove a child from the home, they get paid from the Federal Government.
1. Public Law 93-247 known as the Mondale Act of 1974.
2. Public Law 96-272 known as the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980
3. Social Security Title IV-E funds.
Take the time to listen to the FACTS of how DCF works... another mother of eight children exposing DCF's corruption in a YouTube video you can copy below. DCF has a 'God complex' and it needs to STOP! God brought my grandson back where he belonged after his mentally unstable biological father fled with him 2 1/2 months earlier to only have DCF override 'God's' work when he was returned safely to us. (Read my Blog - DCF STOLE MY GRANDSON) Copy and paste this URL which is heartbreaking by Angel Linthicum Cook, who gives her testimony and was never given the time to mourn her son's death until 18 months later, when she finally won the battle of getting back her 7 other children who DCF removed after the death of 'Buddy' was inflicted by other's evil actions toward an innocent child but DCF chose to have MEDICAL RECORDS COVERED UP in order to GAIN ACCESS to their 7 other children... Two of her son's have gone before a government panel to testify to the ABUSE they endured while in STATE's CARE for months after they were removed from a loving home and loving parents, which is videotaped and was my introduction to the HELL this family has endured not to mention $200,000 it took to fight for their innocence and to get their remaining children back through the JUSTICE SYSTEM who NEVER should have been taken to begin with, but were. God will see them through.... WATCH THIS TESTIMONY. SHOULD BE A VICTORY BUT THE BATTLE IS NOT YET OVER >>
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