Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Forced Adoption is Evil


You have chosen my child from the forced adoption process perpetrated by child protective services in the United States. He's "yours" now. A corrupt family court judge has used a tainted, federally approved, systematic method of lies and forced alienation to Legally Kidnap my child. I was going to lose my child at all costs in the quest for federal funding by a state agency who will stop at nothing to get custody of my child. 
My child is now with strangers. That stranger is you. How did you choose my child? Did you "shop" for a family on those disgusting adoption sites that tout the child's best qualities? Or were you a prospective adoptive parent posing as a foster parent, so you could see the "real child", and decide if he is a match for the family you are building? Was the adoption bonus or the tax credits a consideration in your decision?  
Was my childs physical appearance evaluated?  Did you bypass children of color, long term, or older foster children in your quest for the perfect fit?  Do you really think the caseworker was truthful about my child's background? Do my questions offend you? I do have a few more. 
In your decision to refuse biological family contact, did you consider the breaking hearts of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and especially the cousins? These members of my child's family were eliminated for consideration in a qualification process that only Jesus Christ and eleven of the disciples could pass. How would you feel if your favorite relative had been banned from your life? Forever.
My child loved his poppy, memaw, auntie, "unck" or cuz. He was held, spoiled, cherished, and deeply loved by all of his family. ARE WE REALLY SUPPOSED TO TURN AWAY AND PRETEND OUR CHILD NO LONGER EXISTS? Would you? I suppose you are getting fairly upset and indignant by now and your thought is, "if you hadn't done something wrong you wouldn't have lost your child". Am I right? I have just a few more questions and thoughts I'd like to share with you because after today I will be expected to proceed in life as though the child that I love, doesn't exist. At what point should a child's constitutional rights to his biological, ethnic, and religious heritage be shoved aside for Title IV funding? According to child protective services those rights do not exist for my child. Was my child molested in states custody?  Should I lose my child for anything less than Abuse beyond a reasonable doubt?  My constitution says no. Unfortunately the family court I have been subjected to uses the cloak of privacy rights to operate outside of constitutional due process. 
Just a few last questions and you may proceed with your plans for my #TAKEN child.
Does my child cry out in the night for me?  Do you comfort him?  Does he tell you he wants to go home?  Does he ask for his siblings?  Do you tell him that we love him?  Does he still have his favorite toy from home?  Did you change his first name?  You do know that a name change in older children traumatizes them for life?  Do you tell him the truth about his biological family?  That we are waiting for our child to find us?  That we will NEVER stop looking for our child?  Do you realize that you cannot successfully erase us from our child's existence? If my child dies will you inform me?  These questions and a million more roil in every waking thought I have.  I assure you, even though I am expected to proceed in life as though my child never existed, I CANNOT!  There will never be a day that I can reconcile myself to the fact that my government, in the country I loved, confiscated a living breathing human being for profit.  I know you feel you adopted for all the right reasons and that is your justification for taking my child.  All your right reasons are all my wrong reasons.  Just remember that. Remember this too...I will NEVER stop loving and looking for my child, no matter what the consequences.  So don't be surprised when I appear at an unexpected time in the future...after all, I was the one blessed with the God given right to be my child's biological parent.  A corrupt government, family court judge, cps agency, hell or high water, Satan, nor you can take that away from me or my child. You might change it for a little while but as the old saying goes, "blood is thicker than water".  Hide behind your illegal adoption, and a corrupt judge. It won't help you.  We won't ever stop loving, or looking for our #TAKEN children.  There are now hundreds of thousands of biological family members experiencing the very things I have written in this letter to you.  Just because something is "within the law" doesn't mean it's morally correct.  I want you to look into my child's eyes and tell him I love him, tell him I exist, tell him I'll never stop looking until I find him and bring him home. 


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Enforce social workers to wear body cams!


Endless children are being removed based on lies by DCF.  Child 'Protection' Services are NOT protecting our children.  My grandson was removed from my care - ALL BASED ON LIES BY DCF!  Five police officers refused to remove my 2 year old grandson, Braeden from me after they searched my house and I was thoroughly interrogated by a DCF worker.  A body cam would have captured the FACT that the cops informed to DCF social worker that they were NOT taking part in removing Braeden from my care.  A body cam would have captured the plotting of a kidnapping made by the DCF worker when she returned to my home after the police had left and the lies she told me to lure me to her office the following day... It would have captured the actual KIDNAPPING and how no one ever spoke to me except for when I was demanded to leave WITHOUT my grandson, then my sister and I were shoved out the door with NO explanation and NO legal documents to do so.  DCF committed perjury the following day about me with NO EVIDENCE to 'seal the deal'.  They testified that I was 'under the influence' and that I had been arrested for 'doctor shopping' using the meds I have been taking since 1990 against me!  A body cam would have proved that I was NOT under the influence!  If a child is in need of being removed to protect them from abuse and/or neglect based on what a DCF 'observes'... Let the cameras roll to back up their 'observation' period!  As for testifying under oath that I had been arrested (which I never have), having to produce EVIDENCE of an arrest should be easy enough for any civil servant to get their hands on to be able to present as FACT... If a child is to be ripped away from their family by the government, it should be because body cams were able to 'justify' it is actually in the 'best interest of a child' which happens to be a saying Adolph Hitler came up with!  Kids should NOT be removed unethically OR based on lies... It only leads one to believe when a child is removed in such a manner, they are just a commodity for federal funding.  Isn't that corruption?  Our children should be protected by the constitution, but as it stands today Family Court has managed to operate unconstitutionally.  The People are demanding any child protective service social worker who has the power to turn your world upside down in a blink of an eye, just like police officers, need to wear body cams to prevent them from abusing their power.  Body cams will prevent the corruption that innocent families are being exposed to everyday.  Looking out for the best interest of a child will continue to be a total farce without body cams and having to produce EVIDENCE in a 'court of law'.  The LIES need to stop!  Help me actually 'protect' our children nationwide! 
Click on this link to show UNITY against the corruption with DCF/CPS >> http://twibbon.com/support/dcfcps-corruption

Friday, November 20, 2015

Government is failing our children!

In the best interest of a child is merely a facade... Matthews 7:15 sheds light on DCF/CPS

Kidnapping and perjury is how the government operates in order to remove a child unconstitutionally when there is no abuse, neglect.  I had to dig deep if DCF truly felt it was in the best interest of my grandson to traumatize him in the way that they did by kidnapping him and ripping him away from the only security he had that was protecting him.  Absolutely not.  You can't help but to question how corrupt is corruption?  Corrupt enough to know there is no accountability for their failures.  One has to question, if the government wears disguises, it's easy to assume those taking on a role to care for the kids as foster parents or caretakers that the government has 'hired' cannot ALL be trusted... Can they?  No.  I was easy prey to the government... Can you imagine how many innocent children are easy prey to those wearing the very same mask as the government?!?  Is money the leading force?  Many believe it is.  If the government cannot be trusted, what makes them think anybody else can be trusted?!?  They simply don't care.  Power+Greed=Corruption.  Only those foolish enough to trust the government and who are ignorant to their amendment rights will have their child unethically removed by CPS/DCF... They have no problem placing a child that they remove unethically from a loving home into the hands of those who are on the same 'payroll' as them whether they can be trusted or not.  Children's lives are at stake.  The government is failing our children.  

Let's make a stand and show UNITY against this corruption by placing a ribbon exposing the corruption on your profile picture in social media.  Click here then click on the social media you use to place a ribbon. It's easy! Let's UNITE!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Children deserve to have a voice

Sharing my story with you in hopes you will share with your friends and to the world to bring awareness of the corruption within our government.  Our story...

Since 1974 federal funding has become the root of all evil for endless loving families and innocent children.  That's when Walter Mondale initiated CAPTA (the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act), the legislation that began feeding federal funding into the state’s child welfare agencies.  I find that Mondale expressing his concerns that the legislation could lead to systemic abuse in that the state agencies might over-process children into the system unnecessarily to keep, and increase, the flow of federal dollars is merely a piece in history that is to somehow shift blame for the corruption that has created a holocaust among American families not to mention how disturbing it is to find additional facts that shortly after CAPTA was enacted there was a dramatic increase in the number of children in foster care, peaking at around 500,000 during the mid-70’s.  The amount of children being unnecessarily removed has increased catastrophically and there is nothing that is being done to stop innocent families from being destroyed by this corruption. 

'Incentives' (our tax dollars) that Former President, Bill Clinton expanded on in 1997 (ASFA) were suppose to expand family preservation and support 'services', but instead DCF/CPS 'Child Protective Services' has been resorting to kidnapping children from loving homes and committing perjury in Family Court to 'seal the deal' and lying in their disclosures.  As it stands today, ripping kids away from their entire family is the only way to collect these 'incentives' ($$$)... Turning kids into orphans is a financial gain for the government and provides job security for endless people.  >>> Click here to understand how corrupt our Family Courts are <<< Once your child is removed, the goal is to adopt them out to strangers.  Follow the money.  'Looking out for the best interest of a Child' is a total farce.  ~Matthews 7:15~

I live in Port Saint Lucie, Florida.  DCF succeeded on their THIRD attempt to kidnap my grandson... Why?  FIVE police officers found the 'Complaint Unfounded' after ALL allegations made against me and my daughter were proven to be LIES!  So why was he KIDNAPPED???  He was an easy target for TITLE IV-E funding.  His father was in jail, his mother had bogus charges against her (which were dropped), all they needed to do was get me out of the way and succeeded in doing so unconstitutionally.  I trusted the wrong people. 

I have reached out twice to the Inspector General to investigate DCF's criminal actions against my grandson and me... It was ABUSE!  Kidnapping is one of the most horrific crimes one can be subjected to and because it was the government, people we should be able to trust, makes it even more criminal.  The IG passed the buck right back to the DCF person who had suggested I put my complaint into the IG!!  Michelle Marchand/DCF failed both times she contacted me to justify DCF's criminal acts.  She stood her ground it was in 'the best interest' for Braeden to be kidnapped from me with the first complaint I had made, but the 2nd one she responded to, she not only was unable to answer specific questions I had asked and passed the buck by giving me a number to Leslie Jone's/DCF (who kidnapped my grandson) boss, she had the audacity to undue the kidnapping altogether that I still have nightmares about because she told me that my grandson wasn't removed from ME!!  She informed me "He was removed from his mom"... Yet he was in MY care!  So these are the games the government is going to play.  Again... Braeden was a target for federal funding... They just needed me out of the way.  Braeden was KIDNAPPED from ME!!!   He was in MY care!  If he wasn't removed (kidnapped) from ME then why did Leslie Jones/DCF have the need to commit perjury about ME the next day in family court at the removal hearing?!?  Why wasn't I allowed to visit MY grandson once he was held 'captive'?  Why wasn't I 'allowed' to stay with him overnight when he was hospitalized?  Why wasn't I 'allowed' to supervise visitations between MY grandson and MY daughter?  WHY?  I was the 'link' DCF needed out of the way that would give them better 'odds' for my daughter to fail as a 'parent'.  I thank God each and everyday for placing Jessie in our lives (met her in church), and having my sister, Jana who took on the roles as 'supervisor'.  We were so blessed... We are so blessed.  Although Braeden was placed in another county, there was rarely a day missed in 7 months that he didn't see his mother.  Neither one ever complained about it including the fact of the amount of gas and mileage it took that neither one could realistically afford.  It truly was by the Grace of God... They were both ~Angels~ who played such an important part in helping us get Braeden back.  How dare this woman attempt to placate me and insult my intelligence in such a way!  These people are on the same playing field as the criminals who manage to manipulate their way for years before they finally get caught.  'People' working in a job for the government who bank on our ignorance and our children as merchandise.

~ The secret of FREEDOM lies in educating people, whereas the secret of TYRANNY is in keeping them ignorant ~

Money is the leading force.  How can they continue to dismantle loving families?  I went in search for answers.  Senator Nancy Schaefer gave me clarity on the corruption...Click here to hear Senator Nancy Schaefer herself speak out on the corruption  People need to be outraged with what is happening to our children in the 'Land of The Free' where parents and grandparents are powerless over being able to protect their own children!!!  Where a grandparent is ripped of their 'rights' in order to profit from an easy 'target' these monsters see as free 'merchandise'. 

Family court has no due process... Our children are not protected in the 'justice' system.  Get an understanding of just how corrupt family law is and how and why the Constitution does not exist in family court.  We, as Americans have been led to believe "innocent until proven guilty" exists... NOT in family court... >>> Understand how Family Court operates against our children <<< Our Constitution is far removed from family court.  It is merely a formality that is totally misleading to those whose children should NEVER have been removed.  I lived it, I breathed it.  Perjury is a given by those on a mission to remove your child... The 'Land of the Free' is a misconception.

The Social Caseworker is your worse enemy.  Lived it, breathed it also with Sheila Luther/DCF (Investigator), the first caseworker, Tiffany Perry, who came out for the 'welfare check' and Sarah, who was assigned to our case after Braeden was kidnapped and they ALL wrote outrageous LIES about ME in the disclosure.  Another link within this blog and my story will give you much needed clarity on why to NEVER trust a social worker. >>> Everything you need to know about a caseworker. <<<  You live and learn.  Protecting children should be a priority to ALL... It has always been my priority.  By the grace of God our children's voices will be heard.  By the Grace of God we were assigned a new caseworker, Roxette Ojeda, who just so happened to be contracted out by Devereux CBC and although she was naive to the corruption and probably read all the disturbing lies in the disclosure, she was willing to see passed all that and actually play the part of 'looking out for the best interest of a child'.  

Please write your Senator, Governor, Inspector General, Media and request for Child Protective Services to be investigated and audited and share our story with them!  Please Share, share, share our story and FACTS about CPS corruption >> Our Story > My family was subjected to this corruption. Click here to read and share our story.

If ever in our history we have shown to harbor a cancerous crime and human rights violations, we can know, like slavery, kids are held legally and detained from the reach of the protection of their families.  There is no greater issue facing America, and it is the dismantling of the American family, their self sufficiency and their right and promise under the constitution.  We can no longer look past the blind cruelty to families for the sake of racketeering to seize children for financial gain.

Please add this ribbon to your social profile that will show UNITY against this corruption by clicking on this link >We need to UNITE against this evil corruption!  It's easy to do and it's free.  Let's UNITE and be a voice for our children nationwide!

Spreading the word is our only hope to end this corruption.
★彡 god вleѕѕ (◕‿◕) ★彡

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Let's Show UNITY by adding a ribbon!

We must show unity to show WE The People are against the corruption with CPS/DCF (Child Protective Services) that is destroying endless innocent families.  Let's show UNITY by clicking this link and adding a ribbon from twibbon that will help expose the corruption. Power in numbers. Knowledge is power. 

If you are reading this, I am here to tell you that the government has betrayed endless innocent families and I am sharing our personal story on how DCF betrayed my grandson and me... in a way that nearly destroyed us and it is happening not only across the United States but worldwide.  It could have just as easily have happened to you and your child.  DCF is destroying innocent families, and from my personal experience with them, they only proved what manipulating lying criminals they are who appeared in sheep's clothing (Matthew 7:15).  My grandson paid the ultimate price when DCF KIDNAPPED him from me because I was foolish enough to put my trust in them.  You live and learn.  

FIVE police officers REFUSED to remove Braeden from my home... but after they left, ONE person from DCF plotted out a way to kidnap him by luring me to her office the following day based on lies by stating the police wanted to clear up a 'misunderstanding'.  Because I complied, I walked Braeden right into the hands of terrorists!  I was shoved out the door with NO EXPLANATION and NO JUSTIFICATION after they demanded me to leave and my sister requested legal documents (they had none) that would force us to leave WITHOUT my 2 year old precious grandson!  Instead of legal docs, I was literally shoved out the door, with no explanation.  This is not the America that I once believed in!  I went into a state of shock, but miraculously kept my composure, then an anguish followed that engulfed me that only God would be able to save me from.  We had been betrayed by the government in the most unimaginable way.  KIDNAPPING is a CRIME!  They are CRIMINALS!  Because it is the government hiding behind a facade of 'looking out for the best interest of a child' is proof of their evil existence.  They would commit perjury the following day at the removal hearing to 'seal the deal'.  He would be held captive for 7 very long months based on ALL LIES, manipulation and deception.  It was truly God's doing that we were able to come up with the resources to hire an excellent attorney who immediately made progress in having Braeden returned home, unlike the public 'pretender' (defender) who did nothing!  It is a complete outrage what is happening to children nationwide.  Not everyone can afford a good attorney.  People need to be outraged!!

The mafia is so easily portrayed through the media as a 'secret organization' engaged in various illegal activities in the U.S., Italy and elsewhere...  Yet there are endless documentaries exposing the mafia on every network for the world to see.  Hmmmmm... Leads me to wonder just how 'mafia oriented' our government is... SECRET?!?  I have yet to see any documentaries on children being unethically removed from loving homes by DCF/CPS, nor have been able to get the attention of any journalist or any media outlet willing to expose anything except that social workers are overworked and underpaid by having to 'rescue endless abused children' from degenerate parents who are incapable of caring for themselves, let alone a child.  The description of 'mafia' must have been implemented as a distraction to The People with the help of the media from exposing REAL CORRUPTION on so many levels by the government.  

My grandson's rights and mine were completely violated.  In order to prove a child wasn't in danger would justify such bully tactics we were subjected to on 2/26/14... or would it?!  I was terrified on 2/26 when Sheila Luther/DCF and FIVE cops threatened to break down my door, searched my house, counted my meds and demanded I sit in MY own home and give free reign to DCF interrogating me.  They had no search warrant or probable cause - I HAD COMMITTED NO CRIME.  I NEVER have.  All I wanted to do was keep Braeden safe.   Why was I treated like a criminal?  We, as law abiding citizens should feel 'secure' in our own homes in the United States of America.  WE The People have the 4th amendment that is to prevent those within our government from ABUSING their power and violating law abiding citizens.  I complied because I honestly did not have anything to hide and I believed it was the only way to keep Braeden safe.  It should have kept him safe!  It didn't.  I was treated so nefariously.  I was terrorized in the safety of my own home!!!  The observation of FIVE cops and the police report should have protected Braeden and prevented DCF from resorting to KIDNAPPING the next day, only the report did not surface until months later.  In fact, it has never surfaced within DCF documents/disclosure.  It only surfaced because my daughter had requested it directly from the police, although in the police report it states that the report would be filed with the 'intake report'.  That never happened.

A week prior, DCF appeared at my door and attempted to intimidate me by threatening that I would be arrested unless I handed over my grandchild 'willingly' with no logical explanation.  Again, I had committed no crime... I chose to get 'arrested' before I handed him over to a stranger.  I was completely terrified... but I knew he would be placed in danger if I complied to their intimidation tactics.  DCF slipped out the door once they realized my sister was on her way.  I wasn't arrested although Evelyn Harris/DCF repeatedly got on her cell to call for 'back up' (who never showed).  What their intention was is completely INSANE!!  (It is documented in the disclosure and Troy Simon had informed my daughter)  The plan was to 'legally kidnap' Braeden and travel counties away to place him into the hands of a master manipulating CHILD ABUSER whose son (Braeden's father - Aaron) has always claimed he was severely abused all his life (by his mom) AND he had been arrested in an undercover child sex sting operation > Operation Green Shepherd 3 - Aaron Tyszkiewicz < Seriously?  The same woman who had gotten away with brutally beating Braeden's mother on 12/6/13 and harmed Braeden right in front of her son, Aaron, who lied to the police to protect his ABUSER  from getting arrested.   A total injustice!  

Nothing like DCF 'looking out for the best interest of a child'.  THEY ARE THE ABUSERS!!  They don't have a fricken clue!!!!  The dumb and the dumber have no 'expertise' in being able to decide what is best for our children.  Their failures are still a financial gain to them.  DCF has proven how easily they can be manipulated by evil and how really stupid they are.  DCF had interviewed Aaron's mom the day after the beating on 12/7/13 and it is documented by DCF that she is a 'walking time bomb' - what on earth were they thinking on 2/17?  To terrorize me in MY home in hopes to travel over 3 hours with a child they remove unethically from a home where he was being lavished with unconditional love and was finally safe from the evil who had fled with him 2 1/2 months prior (when they had committed a horrific crime by beating Braeden's mother) to place him in serious danger?!?  It was by the Grace of God that Aaron was arrested on 2/14/14 and Braeden had been returned safely to us and NOT Aaron's mother (Laura Bodnar).  That was truly God's doing...   DCF failed on 2/17/14, then again on 2/26 to 'legally kidnap' Braeden based on a call made by Laura.  Criminals walked free on 12/6/13 to continue the 'Cycle of Abuse'.  It would only take 2 1/2 months before Aaron would get caught committing another horrific crime while Braeden was with him (sex with a 14 year old... Thank God it was an undercover sting operation) but Laura would be free to continue to manipulate those who have labeled her a 'walking time bomb'.  What in God's name was DCF thinking?!?  They weren't.  Our pleas went unheard by DCF when Braeden was truly in the hands of two twisted dangerous people who thrive off of abuse all because the police made a 'mistake' on 12/6/13 and allowed the criminals to walk free.  Laura and Aaron are both toxic.  Is it in DCF's records that Laura had adopted a 'disabled' child and tried to return him to DCF once she had won a cash settlement from a car accident and no longer needed the child's 'disability' check.  DCF refused 'returns' and Laura moved from MD to FL, but no child.  Another child 'lost in the system' but didn't stop Laura from bragging about still collecting his check.  

DCF failed my grandson...  They failed the child Laura had adopted and 'disposed' of.  They are failing endless children.  Our prayers had been answered by a loving God by returning Braeden back home to us both times he was ripped away... Both times DCF were the ones to FAIL him.  Innocent, loving families are being destroyed.

I believe God led us on this path for a reason.  Standing my ground wasn't an option... protecting Braeden was.  Knowing what I know now puts everything in a different perspective.  Sure... five cops concluded that the 'complaint was unfounded' with all the allegations made against me by my daughter's evil mother-in-law proven to be false.  Ultimately, it didn't protect Braeden.  There is no logic in what would follow.  To have been so violated and betrayed by the government to only have my innocent grandson KIDNAPPED by the government the following day... They may as well have raped me.  It was a form of betrayal that we should never have been subjected to.  Kidnapping is crime.  It was ABUSE that DCF subjected an innocent child to.  Because it was the government makes it even more criminal.  DCF is responsible for ABUSING my grandson when they refused to save him from two abusers, then when they ripped him away unconstitutionally from the security he had just reestablished when he was returned to me after Aaron was arrested on 2/14/14.  DCF ignored our genuine concerns for Braeden after Aaron and his mom had fled with him. We gave them ample evidence how emotionally unstable Aaron and his mother are and proved the danger he was in!!  God had a plan... 

Having the ability to 'Look out for the best interest of a child' does NOT exist.  In my experience DCF/CPS consist of people given too much power where greed overrides logic. > Power+Greed=Corruption < It was a done deal once DCF KIDNAPPED Braeden.  Family court only proved to be a total injustice of what is happening to children nationwide.  Perjury seals the deal of 'looking out for the best interest of a child'.  Endless people profit... Even when 'they' fail an innocent child who has no voice. > http://timeline-exposingdcf.blogspot.com/2015/06/guilty-until-proven-innocent.html

It was like being raped all over again, when I reached out to the Inspector General with the FACTS of DCF's criminal acts to only be handed over to DCF to investigate...  Is that the American way?  Not as most people have been 'conditioned' to believe.  All crimes should be investigated by the criminals who commit the unthinkable.  In what capacity did the Inspector General gain my trust with the government?  Does anyone in the government know how to do their jobs correctly?!?  There's no accountability when DCF screws up.  They can hide behind 'best interest of a child'.  It is evil.

My eyes not only have been open to just how incapable DCF/CPS is in protecting our children but the corruption that is destroying innocent families because of federal funding... During my research I uncovered so many disturbing facts of how crippling the 'system' set in place by our Government truly is.  The danger children are placed in at the tax payers expense... My mind wasn't able to process endless media coverage on abuse and deaths of kids while in 'protective' custody to the extent that shames me now... Because all I felt was FEAR once Braeden had been unjustly removed - it was like a lightbulb turned on telling me (just like when DCF attempted to 'legally kidnap' him the first time on 2/17/14) of the real danger many children are unable to escape from... including death.  By the Grace of God Braeden was removed from the first foster home and was held 'captive' in a shelter where one of the worker's there attended the same church as us who we felt was like an angel on earth God had placed in our path.  Braeden will give her a hug to this day.  We were truly blessed in so many ways that I thank God for everyday.  That 'fear' I felt... will forever haunt me but I believe it was the profound anguish that followed that I struggled with is what really scared me.  What little Faith I had managed to hold onto was all God's doing.  

It is evil what is happening worldwide.  Good conquers evil.  Braeden was ripped away from us twice because those who wear a badge (cops and DCF) failed him miserably ... But God keeps reminding me by having Faith in Him should never falter because through Christ our Lord miracles happen every day with a power that only He can provide.  God is good.  God is great.

God Bless.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Operation Green Shepherd 3

Aaron Tyszkiewicz is so busted!  This is called EXPOSURE!  He spent over a year in jail while his mother vcollected his $3000 a month disability check from the VA (army).  Not one dime has gone toward supporting the so

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Caseworker


Who is this person?  Is this employee of a state agency that just knocked on your door a civil servant in the traditional sense?  Comparable to what?  A judge?  An attorney?  A police officer?  A Doctor? They wear a badge... does that mean they took an oath to 'serve and protect'?  The caseworker at your door, insisting upon seeing your children, without a warrant, is getting ready to make your life a living, breathing hell.  For at least the next two years.  And at the end of it, there is a 85% chance you will walk away without your children, financially bankrupt, emotionally destroyed, suffering from PTSD and clinical depression, with homicidal tendencies towards that piece of crap caseworker that knocked on your front door, just two years ago.  I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I'm going to keep saying it.....THAT CASEWORKER IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!  That person is getting paid by your tax dollars to take your child away from you forever.  That's right!  Your very own government has used the taxes you paid all your life to create and build a foolproof way to confiscate children for forced adoption.  All that garbage we were taught about civil rights, democracy, justice in the American court system, and social services being an agency that protects children was all designed with careful forethought and planning, to turn us into the docile creature that opened the door and let a human trafficker in and basically gave them permission to steal your children.  How did that happen?  It happened to me.  My grandson was kidnapped in a corrupt manner by DCF... I was taught to trust those in authority, over a very long period of time, as you most likely were.  If it could happen to me and my grandchild, anyone is fair game.  It started in kindergarten and culminated in your high school civics classes. So how could that government employee be at your door to harm your family?  Because over the last 50 or so an elite sector of America has decided its a good idea to clean up the welfare roles and eliminate undesirable citizens from the ranks of "acceptable" society!   If you are not 'politically correct' in the eye of evil who are trained to use our kids as a commodity for federal funding, money trumps 'looking out for the best interest of a child'.  Who are these elite? Why your elected officials of course!

It is well past time to do something about the taking of children. We must join in active resistance to this tyranny and start dealing with these slimeballs, who are coming in the front door to steal children.  They are paid out of your tax dollars.  In many states they are not even required to have a degree, and on the states that do require a degree, that degree can be in anything.  The caseworker is making life decisions about your family and their degree could be in basket weaving or agriculture. This person may be an addict, alcoholic or predisposed to certain psychological illnesses.  His person is making decisions about your family based on a pre conceived program of forced removal with the actual goal to bring adoption to strangers, because that's where the money is, you know, the federal funding that is their job security and paycheck.  It's all about the money.  That's why you cannot believe one word that comes out of their mouth, do not believe their stated purpose, KNOW that they are confiscating your children to get a paycheck period.  The service plan is a distraction to keep you occupied.  To keep your attention diverted from the true goal of CPS/DCF, which is to place your children on forced adoption, because YOU have been found unacceptable by your government. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING!  When you sign the service plan, you have just handed your children over to the federal government thru a state agency. What is happening to the American family that is targeted as unacceptable is exactly comparable to the relocation camps of WW2. You need to fight that caseworker and everything that caseworker is requesting of you like you are fighting a deadly enemy.  Because that is exactly what they are.  Agents of a social cleansing process, put in place with your federal tax dollars to get rid of YOU!  Give it some thought and approach this situation like the mortal enemy it is.  We must unite in active resistance to an unjust court, backed by an even more unjust legal system, all put in place by the henchmen of our government....yep.....that caseworker!!

Please click here to show unity that we are reclaiming our kids and are aware of the corruption! This link will take you to add a blue ribbon expressing 'corruption' among DCF/CPS.

Friday, June 19, 2015


Because of the way the family court system in America is set up, parents of #TAKEN children are in a unique position. They are guilty of "crimes", real or imagined, that are created by a caseworker, mandated reporter, vindictive relative or other "concerned person". This process lands parents and other biological family far outside the structures of the constitution and bill of rights. In family court there is no due process. You have no rights. The mistake parents make is they go into this process believing they will experience "justice" and "fairness" under the law. This will not happen in family court. What you need to understand is child protective services and family court is a business and a very large industry. Vital to that industry's continued success is the warm bodies of adoptable children. Not only judges, da's, attorneys, the CASA, and guardian ad Litem, are making a fortune off your children being in state custody, but lawmakers, lobbyist, and the related services industries such as counselors, pshy eval's, drug tests, parenting classes, jails, dhs employees, etc. are ALL EATING THEIR MEALS OFF THE BODIES OF YOUR CHILDREN. The federal funding thru the children and safe families act of 1997 signed by Bill Clinton created an endless flood of federal dollars to child protection agencies in the United States. It did not take long for the agency to figure out that they had been handed a blank check, with very little oversight or accountability. Let me put it this way: how many children must be "in states custody" to pay a caseworker for a year?  Benefits, payroll, medical plan, and retirement, ALL sit on the bodies of your children. That's why caseworkers fight do fiercely to keep your child in custody. Your child is their pay check. Your child provides that caseworker with a livelihood, a career, a position. Caseworkers can have a degree in anything to become employed by cps/dhs, and start making a living, making life decisions for your children. I can find no rhyme or reason to the family court process. I feel it is the largest Ponzi scam since the Ponzi scam was created. Parents pour every asset, effort, and resource into getting their child back, and just like a Ponzi scam or the lottery there are very few winners. The scam allows just enough winners to keep the masses coming back for more. In this case no one questions the motivations of the court, because this is America, and surely there is justice in the land of the free and the home of the brave! RIGHT? Well I, Christie Nichols, a grandmother, from Saint Lucie county, FLORIDA, am here to tell you this: forget everything you ever believed about the justice system in America! Family court is not part of the justice system. Judges, by their own doing and motives, have set the family court process outside the sanctions of constitutional law. Every expert is quick to say, "justice under the law", and unfortunately that is what parents are looking for in family court. Justice and due process have been very carefully crafted out of the family court process for one reason: while you are busy looking for justice and due process, the court is getting paid, along with everyone else who has their fingers in the adoption incentive pie, to sell your children to the highly lucrative adoption market. Simply a very complicated family court system is taking children from "unacceptable" families and selling them. For federal funding. What can you do about it?  What I am finding is there is no sure fire answer to that question. In some courts a few parents have used certain maneuvers to get their children back. This is the exception and not the rule.  Know this going in tho: you are in a war against a fearsome adversary for your very family, your constitutional rights, and your right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I disagree with the people who say family court is not covered by constitutional law. I feel a biased system has set family court outside constitutional law for its own greedy purposes. We must unify, and make a stand to rectify this gross miscarriage of justice in the family court system. WE MUST STAND TOGETHER NOW! We must rally in a common cause for our children. NOW! OUR TIME IS NOW!!  UNITE AMD FIGHT!!!!!!!

Spreading the facts to make others aware is the mission that we all need to take.  Our children are used for job security. Many are being ripped away (in our case Braeden, my grandson was kidnapped from me) from loving homes and adopted out to strangers for the $$$.  We are so blessed we were able to hire an experienced lawyer to expose all the lies to bring Braeden home from this child trafficking business ran by a 'protected empire'.  He had no voice for 7 months.   Please spread the word and be a voice for our children.  God Bless.

For those of you who haven't read our story, here it is > http://timeline-exposingdcf.blogspot.com/2015/04/anonymous-speaks-out-on-dcf-mega.htm

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Bureaucracy is a kind word regarding politics to mislead The People from the realization that our government is corrupt.  History speaks for itself.  History always has a way of repeating itself but 'bureaucracy' is a manipulative tool used to 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Aaron Tyszkiewicz and Laura Bodnar and DCF - EXPOSING

My name is Braeden. I'm two years old and saw my mommy get brutally beat 12/6/13 by my Daddy and his mom then they stole me to a place that made me sad because I missed my mommy and was scared she wouldn't be able to save me.  ಥ_ಥ >>~ FACEBOOK POST 3-7-14  (Will post in separate blog)  ~<<

Pictures of beating >  

What happened to my mommy? I hope she's okay!  I don't understand... It's so confusing... Why didn't my Daddy help my mommy?  He thinks by saying the police did this to my mommy people will believe him.  Why didn't he tell the truth?  Does he know the truth?  I think my Daddy is afraid of his mommy.  He talks all the time about how 'crazy' she is and whenever my Daddy got really mad, he would blame HIS mommy... Yell really loud > 'MY MOM MADE ME CRAZY'... All the time.  He always yells about being abused by her and he gets really mean... It's scary.  If he was so mad at his mom, why was he so mean to me and my mommy?  Why did Daddy lie and not help my Mommy?  

 >>~Braeden and Aaron watch Laura (Aaron's mom) > walking time bomb per DCF in Disclosure) sucker punch her daughter in law right in the face then she was attacked from behind by both and/or Aaron who just supposedly watched the woman he claims has always abused him all his life literally beat his wife and not only defends his 'abuser' he allows his wife to go to jail AND be accused for harming their son when his ABUSER lied to the police.  Within minutes Aaron is willing to now be the victim of 'spousal abuse' where his ABUSER said she had no choice but to defend her 27 year old, over 6' son - but it worked.  Aaron was willing to claim his wife 'slapped' him in order to justify his ABUSER for brutally beating his wife.  How twisted is that?  The question is... was he the one who actually attacked his wife from behind?  Playing the victim role was still in tact but now instead of 'Mommy' being the abuser he has always claimed since we met him in 2006... He takes on a new identity of being a victim of spousal abuse.  He helps The ABUSER walk free to continue the 'Cycle of Abuse'... still desperate for his mother's love that will never exist because she is a psychopath ~<< OR were they in on this together?  Spineless, damaged, or just plain EVIL.

My dad didn't know how to take care of me...he got arrested on 2/14/14 in an undercover child sex sting operation >Operation Green Shepherd 3< He took me with him to meet a 14 year old girl that lived far away - 27 year old Aaron Tyszkiewicz< >> Newspaper Article of Arrest << MUGSHOT >> 

That was so scary!  Why did the police take him away? He's was in jail as of 2/2014 and pled guilty on 2/3/15 to deviant acts with a child - should have served 5-35 years in prison but he's free now to prey on children just like his mom always has but she has managed to stay under the radar unlike Aaron who is officially registered as a sex offender for the world to see... but he doesn't think he did anything wrong.  Him and his mom never think they do anything wrong even after beating my mommy. I don't understand why.
  >And for those of you who had a need to google the name of either Aaron or his mom, means you need to pay attention to what your instinct has been telling you all along... Or allow a master manipulator to keep reeling you in - if you have a need to help 'victims' - your work is cut out for you. <

I was so happy when my Nonnie rescued me who makes me feel safe and loved all the time. I was happy, but didn't understand what happened to my mommy?  As soon as Nonnie saved me, my Daddy's mom, who hurt my mommy really bad, called some people and LIED again just like she and my daddy both did on 12/6/13 after they hurt my mommy and never got in trouble for it because my Daddy and his mom made up VERY BAD LIES to be able to STEAL ME AWAY from her.  Daddy's mom used to have another kid (Ryan) from the 'system' who she was able to get paid for adopting, but she didn't like him because she said he was really bad and she would justify having to give him medicine to make him sleep and having to lock him in a room.  Is that why my Daddy locked me in my room?  Daddy and his mom laughed about it after my Daddy put a lock on my door and then my mommy tried to tell him to take it off but that's when him and his mom laughed about locking the kid she adopted in his room... then was mean to mommy because she didn't think it was funny.  Does that mean when I grow up, I will have to do the same thing?   I don't like being locked in my room.

Daddy's mommy still brags about getting paid for Ryan, the adopted kid, but nobody knows what happened to him... He 'vanished' after she tried to return him to Child Protective Services but they wouldn't take him back.  Did anybody care?  I hope he's okay because she abused him really bad too the whole time he lived with her. She hated him because she said he was evil.  Does that make me evil?  My Daddy and his mom tried to tell everyone I was disabled too but I'm not. (Portraying a child as 'Evil' allows an abuser to 'justify' abusing an innocent child... 'Disabled' comes after so much abuse by a master manipulator to collect 'benefits' from the state... THAT's EVIL)

Nonnie made be happy when she told me I would see my mommy soon, but I had to wait for the 'Justice System' to DROP THE CHARGES and lift the NO CONTACT ORDER that my dad and his mom were able to have happen because the police were stupid and believed the bad people who lied really bad.  My mommy was the only one who needed a doctor.  

The charges were dropped and the no contact order lifted 3/21, but it was too late.  

My Dad's mom didn't help keep me feel safe... She ABUSED my daddy where he is emotionally crippled and now he is doing the same things to me that he HATES his mom for doing to him... Why did she call DCF and lie more, to have me taken away from my Nonnie?  They had me ripped away from my mommy, now, although my Daddy said it was fine for me to go to Nonnie's, his mom wanted to rip me away from her too?  Why did DCF try to first kidnap me on 2/17/14, four days after they handed me over to my Nonnie?  STORY of when DCF tried to illegally kidnap me 2/17, the first time, to take me back to my Dad's mom who abused all her children and beat my mommy on 12/6/13 > FACEBOOK POST 2/22/14 (will post in separate blog) Click here

Then WHY did DCF have to lie under oath too, about my Nonnie, just so they could STEAL me away again and place me in a shelter when I was finally being taken care of by someone who made me feel safe and who really loves me?  Am I ever going to see my mommy again? DCF are bad people too and I was STOLEN once again, taken from my Nonnie and went to another scary place.  How can DCF break the law by lying about the one person who knew how to take care of me until my mommy was allowed to be with me again?  5 police officers who came to Nonnie's house with a DCF Child Protective Investigator all agreed that Nonnie was taking good care of me, and refused to remove me from my Nonnie because they found the 'complaint unfounded' (which is documented) but then the DCF person lied really bad after DCF left with police to only return without police and lied to my Nonnie and my A.J. (My great Aunt who is my Nonnie's sister) and said the police wanted to meet with us the next day but Nonnie never met with any police.  They just put her in a room by herself & took me away then shoved her and AJ out the door.  Nobody ever even talked to her until they told her she had to leave without me. They took my Nonnie away from me.  

Perjury is very bad and DCF should never have lied!  They said horrible lies about my Nonnie!! How could they do that and get away with such a bad thing?  Do they get paid to lie?  Do they get paid for taking me away to a really bad place?

My daddy abused me and my mommy because he was abused by his mom.  So why would my daddy want me to live with her?  That's what he said by phone at the removal hearing.  That would have been really bad.  God was watching over me.  I don't want to be abused anymore by my dad or his mom.

My Nonnie was really sad and they wouldn't allow her to even visit me for a long time because EVERYBODY LIED which didn't make any sense because she didn't do anything bad!!  WHY?  I thought lying was bad!  Bad things happened to me because of lies and it's happening to children all over the place. I can't be the only one.  Makes me very sad and I'm only happy when I'm with people who REALLY love me.

Aren't the 'good' big people supposed to protect me?  Aren't people who work for DCF, CPS etc. supposed to be 'good' big people?  Nobody cared when my mommy and Nonnie told the truth that I wasn't safe with my Daddy and his mom. How come?  So when the 'good' big people tell the truth to try and save me, why didn't anyone help me?  Something really bad was going to happen to me because the police found out on line that I was an 'inconvenience'.  And my daddy only had one diaper for me when we were going to meet a 14 year old girl to bring back to where we lived who lived far away.  My Daddy just met on her on line one day before we left to meet her!... Then he got arrested.

Why did daddy put a lock on the outside of my bedroom door?  Just like his mommy did to her youngest adopted child after giving him medicine to make him sleep that he was supposed to only take at night time and nobody knows what happened to him?  My daddy said it was okay since his mom said it was because he was so bad.  My dad's mom told people that she finally got rid of Ryan but was happy and bragged how she still got money every month that is supposed to be for Ryan because he is disabled just like she and daddy tell people I am disabled, even though I'm not.  Were they going to get money for me too?  

A lot of big people keep believing all the lies by people who are supposed to love me but don't know what that is and keep using me in a twisted game that I don't understand... I want to go back to my mommy and my Nonnie!  They take good care of me and I WUV them so very much... they love me to the moon and back!!  That's a whole bunch!!  Why can't the good people save me from a 'system' where I don't belong?  I know my mommy and Nonnie will try and save me from this place.  I just have to keep saying my prayers to God to keep me safe and help me get back home with my Nonnie and mommy!  At least I get to see my mommy everyday now, which is so much fun!!  I just don't understand why I can't go home and be with Mommy and Nonnie?  I guess we have to wait on the 'Justice' system which is scary because it has failed all the good people in my life and worst of all me!!  God will save me!  I just know He will!  He saved me from my dad and his mom.  God has a plan!

My dad and his mom tried to destroy my mommy and me.  Some people think they tried to kill my mommy by drugging her then beating her so bad she got a concussion and post traumatic amnesia!  The police never took pictures of the real victim although she was the only one with injuries and only one who was hospitalized.

STOP CYCLE OF ABUSE!  The 911 call is chilling to hear Laura (Aaron's mom) twisted manipulation in order to save herself!  (Will post separate blog of 911 call).

Pictures of Braeden's mommy (Nikki) from 12/6 beating by her mother-in-law & husband and story>> FACEBOOK POST 3/13/14 Click here (Will post in another blog) 

More > 2/24/14 FACEBOOK POST > pictures speak a 1,000 words Click here (Will post in separate blog)

I don't want to be held hostage anymore by DCF.  You can help me by getting my story out.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE??  I need to count on all the good big people that read my story to help save me from an UNJUST SYSTEM.  PLEASE HELP FREE ME SO I CAN BE REALLY HAPPY ALL THE TIME BY BEING ALLOWED TO GO HOME WHERE I BELONG!!  Please pray for me!

  ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿ And we have to pray for everyone... especially for the bad people who did this to me! Thank you! 



After the public 'pretender' did NOTHING to help bring Braeden home, we were blessed to get the resources to hire a REAL lawyer that has been going up against DCF for many years and on 8/19/14 the lawyer exposed the police report that DCF assumed was their 'Dirty Little Secret' from 2/26/14 which contradicted DCF LIES about me.  If we had been aware of this report at the removal hearing DCF WOULD NEVER HAD GOTTEN AWAY WITH ASSASINATING MY CHARACTER and would NEVER had been able to unconstitutionally remove him!  With a public 'pretender' there is no funding to provide properly for a case i.e. Depositions, subpoenas etc. Although DCF gets provided the funding to pursue keeping Braeden 'trapped' in the 'system'... The only reason we got Braeden back was because we HIRED an attorney!  Not so many have the resources to hire an experienced attorney.  God was watching over us every step of the way since 12/6/13.  It nearly destroyed my family but we always kept the Faith and knew God would bring Braeden back to us... 9/20/14 Braeden was 'free' to come home - FINALLY!  And I was 'free' to be the grandmother I had long awaited for by EXPOSING DCF's 'DIRTY LITTLE SECRET'.

°\(ッ)/° ßÏG HÛGŠ TO YOU ALL!!

We had voiced our genuine concerns for Braeden's safety after Aaron & Laura fled with him but nothing was done, yet, when Braeden is finally returned to safety all Laura had to do was make a call that would turn our whole world upside down for 7 long months.  On 2/26/14 DCF from Saint Lucie County Florida and police invaded my home and violated mine and Braeden's 4th amendment rights by threatening to break my down my door, searched my home throughout, counted my meds (a 2nd time) and DCF interrogated me, having no probable cause or search warrant... told I had no choice!!  ALL - a week after 1st failed kidnapping attempt by DCF from Manatee County on 2/17/14 when I was threatened to be arrested unless I handed Braeden over 'willingly' to a stranger wearing a badge... I refused. (We found out that their intention was to rip Braeden away from where he was finally safe with me to return him to Laura who abused all her children and had beat Braeden's mother!!)  It was all so INSANE!  Children are a gift from God and Braeden was getting the love every child deserves in a nice, stable environment with me.  During the whole coercement tactics DCF worker, Evelyn Harris, kept getting on her cell & calling for 'back up' repeatedly > ALL IN FRONT OF BRAEDEN!!  More trauma and abuse inflicted on my grandson by a system who claims they are 'protecting' kids.  It's a farce - I lived it and have been researching it non-stop looking for answers as to how this is happening in America?  Corruption exists within our government!

When Tallahassee was made aware of this attempted kidnapping by Evelyn Harris, she denied she was ever in my home!  All they do is lie, disregard the Constitution and violate amendment rights of decent law abiding citizens.  Yet when a child truly is in danger, nothing is done.  God had exposed Aaron and Braeden was returned back to us to only have him taken away by a very broken system.  I'm praying CPS/DCF will be exposed and start being held accountable for the children around the world that they are in fact abusing by allowing kids to stay with ABUSERS who know how to manipulate the system and then turn around and go to unethical measures and go 'above the law' in order to rip a child away with lies and deception which only proves they sink to the same level of the master manipulators who cause nothing but destruction but knows how to stay 'under the radar'  because the caseworkers are too busy violating law abiding citizens rights while being outwitted by people like Laura everyday.  She abused all her children which is so apparent and her 28 year old son admits to.  She uses the 'system' to adopt a child she could use as a monthly income then tries to 'return the merchandise' to the 'system' once she is rewarded a cash settlement from a car accident and is denied then the child conveniently vanishes when she moves from MD to FL and she has the nerve to brag how she's still collecting that child's disability check!?!  Something is very wrong with this picture!  Yet, on 2/17/14 DCF attempts to 'kidnap' my grandson in order to hand him over to this evil woman who claims Braeden is disabled?!?  That woman is a complete psychopath.

CPS has proven to me they are contributing to the increase of ABUSE with our children.  It has been one hell of a journey and I thank the Lord that He was watching over us every step of the way and helped us free Braeden from the 'Cycle of Abuse'.  

Speak up and be a voice for those who go unheard... Hear the TRUTH on Child Trafficking by Nancy Schaefer

Senator Nancy Schaefer speaks from the grave...on corruption #OpExposeCPS

She is my hero!!!

Monday, March 23, 2015