Sunday, May 8, 2016

How does one overlook corruption once a child's life has been placed into a danger that may or may not await them by those paid by the government to supposedly protect a child from any further 'abuse' the government  . A danger the child was supposedly removed from 'legally'?  

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

It is so insane how our 'legal' system and DCF are so corrupt. As for 'looking out for the best interest of the child'... Money is more important to those who hide behind this facade and unless you have the money to play the game, innocent children will be ABUSED by a system that is evil > Matthews 7:15 > beware of those who appear in sheep's clothing yet are ravenous wolves.  Children are a gift from God.  It was not God's intention for kids to be a commodity for federal funding to our government who are ripped away from loving parent(s) unconstitutionally... in domestic abuse cases, endless kids are #TAKEN and robbed of their identity to only be placed in a crippled system where there are no guarantees for that child's safety.  I went searching for answers after my grandson was KIDNAPPED from me by DCF - AFTER 5 cops & DCF got the evidence they needed to find the 'Complaint Unfounded'... Why would DCF knowingly commit perjury about ME at the removal hearing?  Call me 'crazy' but my grandson was in my care when he was kidnapped from ME by DCF unconstitutionally... DCF lied about ME under oath... But 2 years later after reaching out to the inspector general twice, I'm told he wasn't removed from me; "He was removed from his mother"... It makes me LIVID!  Because my daughter had bogus charges against her (that were later dropped) and his father was in jail, my grandson became a target for federal funding and I was used as a scapegoat that the state chewed up and spit out.  DCF gave me clarity on how easily kids are unconstitutionally removed.  What I found even more troubling is how does DCF get away with behaving like criminals... Kidnapping, committing perjury, holding my grandson hostage for 7 months while CAPTA endorsed their actions 'financially' is beyond criminal.  If we had not hired an experienced lawyer to bring my grandson home, DCF and family court would have continued the charade in order to profit off a child they saw as an easy target.  I would be naive to think we were an isolated case of total injustice.  Senator Nancy Schaefer gave me clarity on the corruption we were exposed to; extensive research has given me clarity on the overall evil existence of DCF.

Friday, March 11, 2016

'Medically kidnapped' is going rampant.  'Legally kidnapped' is a free for all.  Governor Rick Scott is providing $$$ to every government employee who adopts a kid... $5,000 to 'legally kidnapped' kids and $10,000 for every 'medically kidnapped' kid.  This law was signed by a total ignorance by a governor or knew exactly what he was doing by flashing money to those who were creating an 'uproar' and an attempt to help sweep it under the rug, so to be speak like Hillary and Bill Clinton did with the ASFA legislation 

Injuries sustained to a child can always be questionable of how the injuries actually occurred.  A child suffering from an 'undiagnosed' illness that has been taken to numerous doctors and hospitals - leads me to question if medical experts are so clueless and are concerned about a medical malpractice suit or are these children easy prey for scientific experimental use that are of interest by our government?  Either way, it's totally evil and all I know is the root of all evil is money.  Media is only willing to report about kids who are removed from their family are those with injuries that need to be 'investigated' in order to 'look after the best interest of the child' who may or may not have been a victim of abuse that caused their injuries, as if this is the only time DCF will have a 'need' to do a job social workers are NOT qualified to do > media only sensationalizes on severely injured kids - Society is being so manipulated by what the media reports... Why is it the media NEVER reports how kids who have NEVER been abused/neglected (NO INJURIES) are KIDNAPPED everyday unconstitutionally by an agency within our government who, from my personal experience in order to 'seal the deal' to remove a child within our 'justice' system have been given the freedom to commit perjury and make a total mockery out of our justice system.  If DCF feels so justified in kidnapping kids and LYING under oath in order to look after the best interest of a child > then why is it hidden so well from society?

Saturday, February 27, 2016


#TAKEN #OpExposeCPS #GovernmentCorruption

If ever in our history we have shown to harbor a cancerous crime and human rights violations, we can know, like slavery, kids are held legally and detained from the reach of the protection of their families.  There is no greater issue facing America, and it is the dismantling of the American family, their self sufficiency and their right and promise under the constitution.  We can no longer look past the blind cruelty to families for the sake of racketeering to seize children for financial gain.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Inspector General

I have reached out to the inspector general twice, in addition to the governor and senators.  All it did was reinforce the magnitude of the corruption that is destroying endless innocent families.  To have DCF respond by phone to both of my complaints to the IG and stand by 'it was in the best interest of the child' (to have DCF kidnap my grandson on their THIRD attempt) with the first complaint made me livid. All criminals should investigate their own crimes... As long as the criminals are 'civil servants' working for the government.  I totally get it now.  The response to my second complaint with specific questions that were NEVER answered only confirmed what I had suspected all along.  I was merely a scapegoat who was chewed up and spit out by the state... Braeden was a target for federal and TITLE IV-E funding.  The disclosure is very telling... It is filled with vicious lies!

If my grandson wasn't removed (kidnapped) from ME then why is the disclosure filled with vicious lies about ME?  Why is the kidnapping that DCF succeeded on 2/27/14 NEVER mentioned?  Why would Leslie Jones from DCF, who never spoke to me except to demand I leave as she held open the door while my sister and I were being shoved from behind forcing us to leave WITHOUT my grandson, commit perjury about ME at the removal hearing?  Testify under oath that I had been arrested for 'doctor shopping'??!!??  Without having to produce any such evidence!!  Why were my grandson and I terrorized on 3 different dates by DCF and police?  If my grandson was 'legally kidnapped' from his mother, why was I NOT 'allowed' to visit him once DCF 'sealed the deal'... Why I was NOT 'allowed' to stay with him overnight when he was hospitalized?  Why was I NOT 'allowed' to supervise visitation for my daughter and her son... my grandchild?!?  Braeden was placed in another county... If it hadn't been for the two angels (my sister and a friend from church) who were willing to take on the role as 'supervisors' and drive the distance everyday for seven months once my daughter was 'legally' able to visit with her own son, she would NEVER have had the means to prove herself as a parent.  Braeden would have continued to decline emotionally.  He was traumatized after he was unconstitutionally ripped away from me and had retreated into a shell.  By the Grace of God once he laid eyes on his mother, it was exactly what he needed.  

To know the state is ripping kids away from loving homes where there is no abuse and no neglect has opened my eyes to an evil existence... Corruption that is responsible for destroying endless innocent families.

If ever in our history we have shown to harbor a cancerous crime and human rights violations, we can know, like slavery, kids are held legally and detained from the reach of the protection of their families.  There is no greater issue facing America, and it is the dismantling of the American family, their self sufficiency and their right and promise under the constitution.  We can no longer look past the blind cruelty to families for the sake of racketeering to seize children for financial gain.