Diversion from the reality that my grandson was literally kidnapped by DCF then DCF knowingly committed perjury about ME to 'seal the deal' to keep the money rolling in... their intention > just another 'forced adoption' to receive TITLE IV-E funding. Two years later this 'protected empire' denied the kidnapping and claimed he wasn't 'removed' from me... why lie about me under oath then and in the disclosure... why lie at all? They couldn't answer that question. Once his father signed his rights to his son over to the state, he became a target for 'incentives' - they just needed to get me out of the way in order to move forward with the holocaust the government created in 1974 with the CAPTA legislation where children became a commodity for federal funding. Endless innocent families are dismantled by greed and children's identities are forever lost since 1997 with the ASFA legislation Hillary Clinton was the master mind behind. It is an evil corruption my family was subjected to and my grandson, who was 2 at the time, was traumatized. Since when is it okay to subject a child to being kidnapped... then forced into a crippled system and claim 'best interest of a child' ... when it's the government committing such a horrific crime? Children Deserve to have their voices heard... hear them roar!! http://timeline-exposingdcf.blogspot.com/2015/10/children-deserve-to-have-voice.html READ, READ, READ to gain knowledge of the overall the corruption that exists among out government that our family was subjected to, traumatized my two year old 'adoptable' grandson and nearly destroyed me because of the deception the government stoops to in order to keep this evil operation running. Mafia are Saints compared to what is happening to innocent families across the nation. You live and learn.